My book is called Hattie Big Sky.The main character is Hattie and she is sixteen,and her mother die .She been living with her uncle Holt and his wife.Then she got two letter in he mail,one was her friend and her mother only brother.The letter she got from her mother was saying he was her mother only brother and he would have sent for her long ago but he wasn't happy with his life.So she went out to Vida to see her mother only brother and his family.When she got there she felt like she was apart of a family now.Since her mother die she been going to one relative to another.When something she don't like or go bad, she look at the watch her mother put on her arm when she was little.She look at the watch because it remind her of her mother or when she need some advice.I think you should read this book because it should how brace she is.She is brave because when she do a lot of things on her own.She took the train to Vida where her mother only brother to be apart of his family